Toronto's Best Cupcakes and Cake

Why do kids get to have all of the fun?

Join our Birthday Cookie Club (for adults!) and get a free cookie on your birthday when you visit the store.

Actually bake those awesome cookies you found online

Capture your favourite recipes in an easy-to-read format that makes baking fast and easy - even with distractions.

Have Fun at Your Own Party

Hosting can be daunting. But you deserve to spend time with those that matter most to you - and enjoy yourself. The best way to get rid of those pre-party jitters? Know your stuff.

First Birthdays

Everything to Know About Smash Cakes

Take the Quiz

QUIZ: How Much Cake Do I Actually Need?

Step by step

Your Complete Guide to Cutting Cake Like a Pro

Our Cafe is Designed for Children to be Themselves.

Open Space

Wide ramp into the bakery with a spacious cafe for strollers and wagons to move around.

Play Area

Small play area with children's library, play kitchen, train table and colouring sheets.

Easy Cleanup

Washroom with change table and diaper genie. We've got cleaning supplies at the ready.


No Wi-Fi or power outlets so you won't interrupt anyone working with the kids playing (or crying).